basic: Relating to a chemical that reacts with an acid to form a salt. Knowledge of basic chemicals helps farmers manage soil pH and nutrient availability.
Award Winning Dairy and Milk Mecca
basic: Relating to a chemical that reacts with an acid to form a salt. Knowledge of basic chemicals helps farmers manage soil pH and nutrient availability.
breeding: The process of mating and producing offspring. Effective breeding programs improve livestock genetics and farm profitability.
beck: A mountain stream. Understanding water sources like becks helps farmers manage irrigation and water conservation.
blueberries: Small, round blue fruits of a shrub. Growing blueberries provides nutritious fruit for fresh markets and processing.
brook: A small stream. Managing water sources like brooks supports irrigation and water conservation on the farm.
binder: A machine used to cut and bind corn, now largely replaced by the combine harvester. Understanding the evolution of harvesting equipment helps farmers choose the best tools for their needs.